Mark Simonson · Type designer

Invited by
Admin James Puckett
  • Re: Type Design Technical Advances

    @"andi aw. masry" I still use a flatbed scanner, but it's true that a smartphone can take its place for many tasks. The amount of space it takes on my desk is becoming less and less justifi…
  • Re: Type Design Technical Advances

    @"André G. Isaak" I would say "smart fonts" have been a mixed blessing. They make making fonts easier in some ways, but harder in others. More things are possible, but at the cost…
  • Type Design Technical Advances

    I've been making fonts on the Mac since 1987 (with Fontographer) and I was thinking about the technical advances that have been made the most difference for me: * PostScript and Fontographer. Practic…
  • Re: Pixel typefaces

    Almost forgot: I released a set of fonts based on the Atari home computer screen fonts called Atari Classic, starting back in the nineties. I've updated them several times and recent versions have be…
  • Re: Pixel typefaces

    I made a family called Raster Gothic Condensed back in the mid-2000s, based on a Macintosh screen font I designed in the '80s (using Fontastic). It's never been a big seller (by the time I finished a…